Cops say William Greer killed his girlfriend and left her body in the woods.

I have just gotten done with putting this on every UAADV State Blog, and I'm still pissed!

This Monster needs to be caught, and needs to spend the rest of his days in jail!  Tammy was such a lovely woman, and to read her letters and see how deranged he was and to see just a touch of what he did to her is horrendous!  I'm hoping that he gets caught soon, and that Tammy and her family gets the justice that they deserve.

There's too many Monsters out there that have abused and killed someone they claimed to "Love".  Society needs to step in and help find them so that they don't kill again...

***Please re-blog this and distribute it widely!***

This came through my email as an AMW alert, and I just had to get it out to all the blogs in hopes that someone has seen this Murderer!  He's out there, after having killed a beautiful woman and mother, and he needs to be stopped before he kills again!

Tammy Myers Esquivel was a beautiful woman, and a mother of 2 children who obviously was in a violently abusive relationship.
"Cops believe Greer would torture Tammy with the nunchaku he was known to use.

But physical scars were not the only proof of William Greer's abuse.  After Tammy was murdered, Ryan (her X and father of her children) discovered a box of pictures Tammy kept at William Greer's house.

In the box, Ryan found letters that show the emotional torture cops say Greer put Tammy through.  In those letters, Tammy wrote to Greer, she apologizes for her kids being sick, or for running away from Greer because she was scared.

Ryan believes it is possible Tammy wrote those letters as a punishment Greer imposed on her."
>>Letter 1
>>Letter 2
>>Letter 3
>>Letter 4

Cops say this picture that Tammy took of herself is evidence of the physical abuse Greer put her through.

There's a lot of information on the AMW website about this case, please read through it!  Please, look through the pictures below, and if you've seen him, call AMW and report it!  Let's help get this Murderer (can think of a few other choice words, but being proffessional here) off the streets, get Tammy's family and children justice, and stop him from killing again!
AMW says he usually wears his cowboy hat, but may have switched to a baseball cap.
AMW states that he has a huge ego, let's help bring it down a couple notches!!!!