Just too many..................

Going through the UAADV email, it just really hit me that there's just too many Victims, Survivors, and NCM's that are searching for help and support, too many that don't have that local support for themselves our their children.

Don't get me wrong!  I'm glad that they come to us, but to hear their need for help, to know they aren't getting the help that they need, it just eats at me.  I want anyone that needs support to come to us, but it gets to me at times knowing that they aren't getting it anywhere else. 

I guess that's what got me to start UAADV to begin with huh?  Yet, it still bothers me, and I feel for each and every one of them...........

Just needed to vent after contacting 14 Survivors back.

Just one more thing..........

Those that seem to be of the opinion that Domestic Violence ends after a Victim leaves the household are wrong, sometimes dead wrong.  Many times the abuse doesn't end!  The stalking begins, the harassment, the mind games, the abuse through the court systems.  Too many Victims do not have the chance to heal, or to get away from the abuse. 

Not to mention the years of healing that a Victim must go through...........................

Not to mention the healing and the hell that the children must go through....................

There's just too many................