Missing Chrissy..............

  After posting the below article as much as I could, I have to sit back and remember back....................

  It still hurts to have lost my cousin, whom I didn't know was in a DV Relationship until after her death.  It hurts that I CANNOT spread what we know about her death, because nothing was ever proven, yet we know what is in our hearts, and we know the truth.  The Sheriff's office that he worked at knew the truth as well when they dropped him without pay after her death.

  As much as I miss her, as much as I hurt knowing that she is gone, my pain is for her son that grows up without his Mom there to love him, to hold him, and to show how proud she is of all of his accomplishments.

  When a loved one is killed, there are so many un-answered questions, so many things that were left undone, unsaid.  This doesn't go away, yet seems to grow throughout the years.

  So, the way that I'm going to combat that, the knowledge that I cannot do anything for her at this time, is to go after those that do it to others.  To do everything in my power to help those that have lost a loved one due to DV have the closure that we'll never have.  It's something that I don't wish on anyone..............

  To fight for those that are going through it, those that have gone through it so that they can heal and break the cycle, and those Momz that are fighting for their children from their abusers, so that they have a chance to break the cycle of abuse.

  In Memory of Chrissy and all of those that have died due to DV.........